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  • Writer's pictureSovan Sinha Roy


"Life is not a bed of roses" and not everyone is born with a 'silver spoon' in his/her mouth. In order to make your two ends meet, sustain yourself and/or to attain more name and fame, you need to struggle. Hence, struggle is a perpetual phenomena and it is not merely an option but a necessity for everyone during some stage or the other in their respective lives so as to survive and also to thrive.

You must have heard that it is the survival of the fittest, in the contemporary word, it is indeed true. One either performs with tenacity and stays on top of their game and by doing so stays relevant or succumbs under pressure, loses ground & hope, and then ultimately perishes.

The key to success amidst all the adversities is inherently resilience. One has to develop a strong temperament to rise up to the occasions and meet the challenges head on, otherwise it can prove catastrophic in their quest for success. In today's world, there is fierce competition everywhere and people are desperate to win their proverbial race at all costs. No one is interested in playing fair anymore as all they care about now is triumph, the means no longer matter just the destination counts now. So, it is imperative that people keep the callous world in mind and approach accordingly when it comes to their individual struggles.

To wind up, it is up to you to decide how you want to proceed with a problem in order to solve it but one thing is for certain if that problem is a colossal one where existence is at stake, you must go all out and try to give your best. Struggles not only transform the situation but they also usher in revolution and thus it is up to those participants to decide what kind of change or outcome do they want to forge. Therefore, the struggle is real and it is here to stay, people need to keep on fighting or else game over!


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