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  • Writer's pictureSovan Sinha Roy


“MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO” is a prominent Latin adage that illustrates the fact that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. In order to sustain a successful run in any sphere of life more importantly in order to stay hale & hearty for a substantial amount of time, one needs to pay heed to his/her body and work for the betterment of his/her sound physical and mental state of existence.

Interestingly, an integral component of mental health which is often avoided either deliberately or inadvertently due to various reasons such as it being deemed less significant& fascinating or lack of knowledge& expertise about the subject sometimes render the topic ‘social health’ a treatment it doesn’t deserve. Perhaps, in the last few decades or so it has invariably emerged out of oblivion furthermore has become a matter of massive discussion aimed towards hindsight seeking but that doesn’t deviate the paradox that social health is still something the contemporary world needs to persevere on in unison, it is indeed something which requires tremendous concentration& understanding hence, the sector which has been developing swiftly and magnificently in recent times i.e. ‘Science & Technology’ has delved into it big time with an eye on transformation for good.

The modern gadgets& gizmos of today are adept at working with various aspects and parameters be it agriculture or education etc. The current technology we possess is also furnishing noteworthy ramifications in the realm of social health and wellness and the impact is evident too. One way of looking into it is by articulating that the high-speed internet access at reasonable rates worldwide complemented with smart devices with stupendous features & specifications is bringing the world closer than ever. People are interacting with each other transcending demographic boundaries at ease needless to mention that fosters an escalation of social health-oriented well-being and awareness as masses can open up and manifest their opinions expressing themselves at the same time grab what’s happening around the globe in next to no time as per their wish. With the proliferation of technologies, we are able to overcome the obstacles of space& time. Moreover, health-oriented software applications; fitness bands and advanced technology lanced exercise cum fitness or work-out equipment et al are playing their part in enhancing the health of human beings in a comprehensive manner. Likewise, advancement in e-medical and e-healthcare facilities coupled with ground-breaking progress in modern medical methods like tele-medicines etc., also illustrate the efficacy of modern technology on all the aspects of mankind’s well-being.

However, another way of casting a perspective can be based upon the propositions conceived painting technology a picture where it is a hindrance and probably a bottleneck to stress free, ecstasy laden life full of content and relaxation primarily because technology and it’s consignments to mankind have deprived homo sapiens from their much needed sleep& rest time, people often waste their precious sleep time scouring stuffs over the mobiles& laptops which ultimately affects their health adversely, at times it is observed that technology especially the modern one is a cause of stress too as people tend to become hyper-sensitive and ultra-conscious as they tend to move astray from pragmatism and are addicted to virtual fantasies in which they seem to get lost thus plunging themselves into mental fatigue & depression etc., As a matter of a fact, a recent survey conducted by a respectable internet safety organization founded that 95% of teenagers who use social media have witnessed cyberbullying and 33% have been victims of it themselves. Today one can quite easily find social networking extroverts sans any actual social interaction in real life. FOMO or ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ is another problem forged from the incumbent technology. Traits of isolation have elevated too as some people have started refraining to move out of their rooms and houses these people thus limit themselves to their four-walled or paltry spaced confinements. Another imperative point going against technology is that official, as well as personal data of various kinds, are being compromised courtesy of some fraudulent means adopted by hackers & cyber criminals etc., to ruin the lives of the mortals a faction of which once invented& developed it for the upliftment of all alike.

Therefore, in a nutshell, it can be summed up that since the advent of the millennium technology has improved drastically, subsequently it has assisted in refining social health status on planet earth but the bottom-line is the levels of alarming stress, anxiety, uneasiness, indolence, insecurity, incivility, isolation & addiction culminating from the modern technology is something which cannot go unnoticed since it is not something worth raving about if anything then it is rather an issue requiring a systematic overhaul & significant rectification as then only can mankind strive towards prosperity & endeavour.


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